2016-2017 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Creative Leadership Certificate


Academic Director:

Arthur Jensen, Senior Associate Dean/Professor, College of Visual and Performing Arts, 315-443-5890, adjensen@syr.edu

Administrative Director:

Eileen Julian, Senior Program Administrator, University College, 315-443-1317, emjulian@syr.edu


Faculty from schools/colleges across campus, in addition to Michael Evans, Bart Murphy and Susan Conklin (part-time instructors).


Understand the importance of professional relationships, networking and how to establish and manage a local and global workforce. Recognize the difficulty and conflict in professionals situations, analyze possible causes, and propose creative scenarios for resolution. Problem-solve, manage collaborative diverse teams. Develop tasks and work processes for desired organizational outcomes, ability to work face-to-face or virtually.


Associate degree or 60 college credits.