2017-2018 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Acting, BFA


Celia Madeoy, Program Coordinator

820 East Genesee Street




Gerardine Clark, Stephen Cross, Felix Ivanov, Victor Lazarow, Celia Madeoy, Thomas Miller, Katherine McGerr, Holly Thuma


The BFA program in acting takes full advantage of the resources provided by Drama Department faculty, the University, and the Department’s relationship with Syracuse Stage in order to provide emerging professional theater artists with rigorous training in performance technique, text analysis, voice, speech and actor movement. Students are immediately immersed in a program of pre-professional study in their first year, devoting as many as 18 hours of class time per week to various theater arts. Students who are interested in directing and playwriting may elect to take additional courses in these areas under drama support requirements. All students are required to take coursework in writing.

Although first-year students are not permitted to perform on stage for the public, they work on productions behind the scenes in a wide variety of jobs, ranging from running crews to assistant stage managing. From the second year on, students may audition for roles in: faculty-directed productions and scenes and plays directed by students; films produced by undergraduate and graduate film students; and productions outside the department, including Syracuse Stage productions in appropriate roles or as understudies where union rules permit the use of non-Equity actors. Equity points may be earned through work with Syracuse Stage.


Student Learning Outcomes

1. Solve communication problems with a defined process

2. Demonstrate skills of indication, accuracy, and use of materials

3. Create/direct visual form/Image in response to communication problems

4. Visually organize compositions/layouts including, image and typographic hierarchy

5. Describe and respond with clear and original design concept decisions

6. Understand the professionalism of basic business practices

Program Requirements

Theatre Laboratory: 0 credits

Academic Electives: 24 credits

Academic electives are courses that involve critical thinking and theoretical understanding as opposed to practical application, mostly in the Liberal Arts. These academic courses usually have non-art-related content, such as math, natural sciences, astronomy, global history, political science, psychology, entrepreneurship, and languages, among others. You can find a comprehensive list of approved academic electives here. A maximum of 9 credits out of 24 can be from the department of drama.

Drama Electives: 18 credits

Drama electives (also known as drama support) are courses that are not required specifically for the student’s program of study, but which are meant to enhance their understanding of their major field or their overall undergraduate experience.


NOTE: Students may only receive credit for a combined total of 12 credits from Independent Study or Experience Credit courses

Total Credits Required: 124

Degree Awarded: BFA in Acting