2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Data Science, CAS


Art Thomas, Program Director, 338 Hinds Hall, (315) 443-2911, igrad@syr.edu


Data Science


The Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Data Science program requires 15 credit hours covering specific focus areas of digital curation, data science education, and information analytics. It comprises 2 Core Courses (6 credits) in databases and data science. The remaining credits (9) are elective credits to be selected from such areas as communication and collaboration, digital curation, digital libraries, information assurance, project management, mashups, research, scripting, statistics, technologies, and visualization.

All candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. In addition, it is recommended that potential students have a strong background in science, statistics, research, and/or information technology. Applicants should have an interest in interdisciplinary work focused on managing big data using information technologies as tools. Prospective students who have an interest in data science, but lack the recommended undergraduate background, are encouraged to inquire. Individual consultations are available for such prospective students to explore their potential candidacy.