2021-2022 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, PhD
Jing Lei, Chair, 265 Huntington Hall, 315-443-1362, jlei@syr.edu
Program Description:
The Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation Department (IDD&E) offers a variety of programs to help students develop the competencies required to identify and evaluate learning and performance problems and to design, develop, and implement appropriate instructional solutions to these problems. Students develop competencies to conduct instructional analysis, make appropriate design decision, develop instructional materials, implement and evaluate instructional programs, and assess learning. The curriculum includes courses that blend soft technologies (thinking models and theories, strategic planning, IDD&E processes, interpersonal communications, and software) and hard technologies. Through practical projects, students develop competencies to design, create, implement, and evaluate non-technology and technology-supported instructional solutions for a variety of educational and professional settings. Certificates are offered in educational technology (15 credits), professional practice in educational technology (24 credits), and instructional design fundamentals (12 credits); and M.S., C.A.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, are offered.
Prior to acceptance into the Ph.D. program, students are expected to have completed the following courses (or equivalent): Program Learning Outcomes
1. Compare and contrast theories and practices in areas of instructional analysis, design, development, implement, evaluation 2. Demonstrate advanced skills in instructional design and technology research and scholarly practices 3. Develop advanced reflective and ongoing professional development practices 4. Establish networks with w/scholars & practitioners in areas of interest based on course 5. Demonstrate advanced research and data analysis competencies Required Curriculum of the Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, PhD
Doctor of Philosophy students may select one of two emphases in their Ph.D. programs: an Academic Research focus, or a Professional Studies focus. Although both encompass research-oriented emphases, the two options reflect the increasingly diverse skills and settings requiring Ph.D. preparation. While both emphases require 90 graduate credits and a dissertation, there are differences in the kinds of dissertations expected and the appropriate inquiry requirements for each emphasis. The Academic Research focus prepares students for tenure-line faculty positions in research universities. Special emphasis is given to in-depth methodological training, extensive research experience, advanced expertise in a focused area of inquiry, participation in academic and professional research communities, and the development of teaching skills. The Professional Studies focus prepares graduates for these settings by emphasizing strong methodological training, extensive experience with applied projects, the flexibility to work in teams on a broad range of problems, participation in applied professional communities, and the development of management and leadership skills. Elements of the Doctorate program of study:
- A minimum of 90 credit hours beyond a bachelor’s (including a master’s degree)
- 51 instructional sciences depth/ elective credits (minimum, with 50% from Syracuse University)
- 30 research methodology and data analysis credits (minimum)
- 9 dissertation credits (minimum)
- Portfolio review/exam (after 45 to 66 credits of coursework)
- Research apprenticeship (based on future dissertation work)
- Residency activities (e.g. presentations, publications, service work, networking)
- Written qualifying exams, including writing and defending a dissertation proposal
- Conducting and defending dissertation research
Required Instructional Design Depth Core
(these, plus 3 additional Instruction Design-related courses): Total Credits
90 (beyond a bachelor’s, including master’s degree) Degree Awarded
Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation Transfer Credit
Up to 9 transfer credits accepted (outside of master’s degree requirements; must be approved by Department) Satisfactory Progress
All required courses (including Instructional Design Depth Core and Research Core) with at least a 3.0 GPA, and demonstrated progress in meeting milestones (e.g., research apprenticeship, qualifying exams, dissertation, etc.) |